Participation Agreement

The EHI Participation agreement is a legal document that formalises the collaboration between the GLOBE Institute at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, as the Coordinator of the Earth Hologenome Initiative, and the person or Collaborating Institution that is participating in the EHI. 

Responsibilities and obligations

The agreement sets the basis of the relationship between both institutions regarding the EHI, including responsibilities and obligations of both parties.

Sample collection and permits

The agreement outlines sample information to aid with the collection and transfer of biological material, and assigns liability of obtaining the appropriate permits to the responsible party.

Research costs

The agreement also outlines the responsibilities of each party, how research costs will be shared, and conditions of reimbursement if applicable.

Step by step

Guidelines to prepare and sign the EHI Participation Agreement


Sign-up to the Earth Hologenome Initiative

Use the sign-up form and explain your interest in participating in the EHI. If your interests are aligned with EHI's aims and philosophy, you will be invited to join the Earth Hologenome Initiative. 


Provide information required for the Agreement 

Fill out the “Participation Agreement Data Collection” document. This information will be used by the EHI Management Team to prepare a collaborator-specific Participation Agreement. Once ready, send the document through the information submission form


Review the draft agreement

The EHI Management Team will send you a draft of the EHI Participation Agreement for review. Read the document carefully and, if you belong to an educational or research institution (e.g. university), pass the document over to the legal team for validation. Please ensure all potential species and sample types are listed, as this will avoid us having to repeat the process.


Sign DocuSign envelope

Once the document has been agreed upon by both parties, the EHI Management Team will send the Participation Agreement document directly to the signatory (with the PI cc’d) through DocuSign. Make sure you notify the signatory about the immediate reception of a signature request through the DocuSign platform.


Archive the Agreement

The agreement will enter into force when the legal signatory of the Collaborating Institution and the Head of the GLOBE Institute at the University of Copenhagen have signed the document. When the document is signed by both parties, you will receive a copy of the signed document in your email.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the process take?

If there is no objection to the proposed document, the entire process should only take a few days.

Is it possible to modify the Agreement?

It is possible to amend the agreement, but we suggest carefully considering its contents to avoid extra paperwork.

How long does the Agreement last?

By default it lasts 3 years, but this can be modified.


Center for Evolutionary Hologenomics, GLOBE Institute
University of Copenhagen
Øster Farimagsgade 5, 7
1353 Copenhagen K, Denmark


Coordinator: Antton Alberdi, PhD